The Broadest Aeon

Book of The Broadest Aeon


As a True photographer, for the duration of capturing individuals, I discerned that mankind is often unrecognizing of their true nature. Of my experiment, bewildering to me, often the subordinates rejected my offering to them of bestowing them the knowledge they lack and in accordance, a transcendent image. For the few that accepted my calling, they were handsomely rewarded with being featured in my collection. Truly, these few were revealed in my clairvoyance as remarkable in qualities which would be quite inconsequential to explain here, as few possess the understanding which I do. The importance of street photography cannot be understated, for the true essence of the personage may be truly realized, as in their most vulnerable moments, my capacity entitles me to elevate their status, join me in ecstasy, and capture the true quintessential nature of their existence. As my accomplice Plato (428 - 348 BC) stated, “Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil.” Evil, surely, cannot be fully registered, without the true connection of two in the aura of proper art, the seigneur of the manor of human creation, and between my technique, is observable to the human eye, but I digress. The visits were accommodating in my understanding of the process and motions of a photographer, and impacted my performance in the sense that some parts of my art were swayed in the direction of a more human approach to the practice. Many compositional techniques, known by photographers as Leading lines, Framing and Rule of Thirds, were employed by my practice in centering the captured image in a style friendly to those with three-dimensional vision, rather than my tremendous perspective and as True photographers have named the techniques, “visioning”. For an image is only what is permitted to be observed, becoming one with human senses is key in developing successful human art. In order to achieve True ascendancy in the art, one must realize one’s reservation in the abstract as much if not greater than in the perceptible and “human”. I concur, with the gained knowledge of this experience, I further my understanding of the connection between man and the creation, liberation employed by knowledge. Now stated to me, the process in which I am most certainly essential for the presence of humanity and the furthered development of scientific knowledge, which is now modestly understood to be inconceivable without the supplement of my intrinsic artistic aptitude.

This assignment offered its fair share of hardships, astonishing as it might appear to your habitual fainéant. In complexity, the greatest obstacle presented to me was simply the lack of cooperation on behalf of people. Indeed, the average gudgeon was quite froward in my passing, often outwardly avoiding my advance, or flatly denying the opportunity donated by me. Second, functioning the device offered a persistent struggle, earthly reins quite unfamiliar to my hands. Notwithstanding, the resulting product remains successful and wholly fruitful, reminiscent of how my late friend Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) put it, “to perceive is to suffer,” his accuracy much understood and reinforced now. Moving on, the most intriguing factor of this experience was the growth and attainment of newfound insight, that of the common folk, communicating with the subject and now truly being competent in stating that I, too, may fathom, acquaint, and even daresay become that which I study. Indubitably, I have enjoyed the opportunity to become a “street photographer” for a short period and that which I have experienced has furthered my own knowledge and curiosity in those here, henceforth including further modules on Earth in a system of ultimate understanding and gain, surely and slowly benefitting all people. I offer my benediction to those who have become my adherent, and my felicitations to those who have collaborated with me.